Friday, May 29, 2020

How To Work a Networking Event

How To Work a Networking Event The second Now What book that I didnt write is available on Amazon and as an ebook download from Happy About.   The image to the right is pretty big because I LOVE how all of the people are represented by business cards, and the one in the middle (presumably YOU or ME) has hands out, ready to meet and welcome other people how cool! Im at a Networking Event Now What??? is a terrific resource for anyone who has to go to any kind of networking event for the purpose of networking! I remember a few years ago when I went to networking events and cheated I went late and left early.   I totally missed the point of the event, and missed out on opportunities to meet people who could be helpful in my job search. Now when I go to networking events I am really looking for networking opportunities.   But it is not as easy as I originally thought to have a successful experience because of a networking event there is: Preparation: what do you do BEFORE you go to the event. On-site performance: not that you are performing, but I didnt know how else to say this you are on!   This means you need to put fear and pride aside and get the job done many times all this takes is starting out by saying hi to someone. Post-event followup: after you meet someone, get business cards, exchange emails, what do you do?   This is the key, and perhaps a great opportunity for failure (if you dont followup). In this book on how to work a networking event Sandy teaches you how to really, effectively get value out of your networking.   I dont care if you are networking with job seekers, business owners at the   chamber of commerce meeting, at a luncheon with managers and directors, or with your target prospects this book will help you understand how to more effectively work the room, find those key relationships, and then move forward from there. Congratulations to first-time author Sandy Jones-Kaminski for this very useful book (see what others have said about it here)! You can get it for $19.95 from Amazon or from Happy About, or get the ebook (immediate download) for only $11.95. Once you get it, if you like it, consider giving it a favorable review on Amazon thank you! How To Work a Networking Event The second Now What book that I didnt write is available on Amazon and as an ebook download from Happy About.   The image to the right is pretty big because I LOVE how all of the people are represented by business cards, and the one in the middle (presumably YOU or ME) has hands out, ready to meet and welcome other people how cool! Im at a Networking Event Now What??? is a terrific resource for anyone who has to go to any kind of networking event for the purpose of networking! I remember a few years ago when I went to networking events and cheated I went late and left early.   I totally missed the point of the event, and missed out on opportunities to meet people who could be helpful in my job search. Now when I go to networking events I am really looking for networking opportunities.   But it is not as easy as I originally thought to have a successful experience because of a networking event there is: Preparation: what do you do BEFORE you go to the event. On-site performance: not that you are performing, but I didnt know how else to say this you are on!   This means you need to put fear and pride aside and get the job done many times all this takes is starting out by saying hi to someone. Post-event followup: after you meet someone, get business cards, exchange emails, what do you do?   This is the key, and perhaps a great opportunity for failure (if you dont followup). In this book on how to work a networking event Sandy teaches you how to really, effectively get value out of your networking.   I dont care if you are networking with job seekers, business owners at the   chamber of commerce meeting, at a luncheon with managers and directors, or with your target prospects this book will help you understand how to more effectively work the room, find those key relationships, and then move forward from there. Congratulations to first-time author Sandy Jones-Kaminski for this very useful book (see what others have said about it here)! You can get it for $19.95 from Amazon or from Happy About, or get the ebook (immediate download) for only $11.95. Once you get it, if you like it, consider giving it a favorable review on Amazon thank you!

Monday, May 25, 2020

An Employees Guide to Staying Healthy

An Employee’s Guide to Staying Healthy For those of us who work in an office setting, staying healthy always proves a unique challenge. Hardly a week goes by without someone bringing in some delicious recipe they made, and as birthdays or holidays approach, the tasty treats seem to multiply. But we hate to admit what we all know to be true â€" indulge too much and we’ll pay for it later…not only when stepping on the scale, but in terms of work productivity as well. Let’s look at some ways to stay healthy and productive at work. Eat healthy: Most office workers will say that eating healthy  poses the biggest challenge to their willpower. While the temptation to snack on junk food or sample goodies brought into the office is strong, moderation is key. Try to resist overdoing it, opting instead to limit yourself to what you try and when. Also, maintaining a healthy eating schedule on a regular basis will help minimize the effects of the occasional indulgence. Avoid lunches you know are unhealthy, such as greasy fast food. For mid-morning and afternoon snacks, stay away from the junk food that office vending machines are known for, such as chips and candy. Bringing in fruit, nuts, granola bars or a protein shake will hold you over just as well until your next meal, but without giving you that lethargic feeling that junk food will. Lastly, avoid eating lunch at your desk whenever possible. While you may occasionally need that extra hour of work, without the time constraint of your lunch hour ending, it’s easy to lose track of how much you’ve eaten, or for how long. Leaving the office for lunch gives you a time limit that will help curb overeating, as well as providing enough of a break to allow you to return to work feeling refreshed. Stay hydrated: On a particularly busy day, the last thing you’re thinking about is whether you’re drinking enough water. Dehydration can cause a number of problems â€" from feeling sluggish at work to causing kidney stones and organ damage. According to, drinking 6-8 eight-ounce glasses of water a day is recommended, with some adults requiring more based on their health, the amount they exercise and the climate in which they live. Fruits are also good sources of water, and can keep you hydrated while fighting hunger. Take frequent breaks: According to a survey by workplace consulting group Right Management, only one in five office workers takes a lunch break away from his or her desk. However, the urge to forge ahead and continue working without a break can ultimately be counterproductive. In fact, Kimberly Elsbach, a management professor at UC-Davis who studies the psychology of the workplace, states that “never taking a break from very careful thought work actually reduces your ability to be creative” and “exhausts your cognitive capacity.” The bottom line â€" make an effort to get away from your desk during the workday, even if it’s only for a few minutes. The break will allow you to return rejuvenated and improve your concentration level. Make sure youre comfortable: Considering how many hours you spend seated at work, making sure your body is in a natural and comfortable position is essential. If you sit or hold your hands or head in an awkward or crooked position, you will eventually feel pain in some form. Tension Neck Syndrome (TNS) can occur when the neck is held in an awkward position for long periods of time, causing neck and shoulder pain. Similarly, prolonged use of a computer mouse and keyboard can cause pain, numbness or tingling in the hands and fingers, occasionally leading to tendinitis or carpal tunnel syndrome. Make sure that your posture is good and that you are always seated in a natural and comfortable position when working. Any discomfort you experience is sure to manifest in eventual pain and possible injury if allowed to continue. Hold meetings on the move: Is it a nice day outside? Why confine your meetings to the office? “Meetings on the move” are preferred to seated office meetings by a number of CEOs, including Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, Twitter’s Jack Dorsey, and even the late Steve Jobs. Recently, Nilofer Merchant, a former technology executive and Apple employee, spoke of the advantages of walking meetings at a TED conference, citing not only the obvious health advantages and exercise benefits, but the closer connections that are formed when outside of the office. Merchant states, “By walking side by side, it reinforces the perspective that you’re working on something together.” Proponents say that walking improves circulation and increases the amount of oxygen reaching the brain, allowing a better flow of ideas. Additionally, walking prevents meeting attendees from being distracted by e-mail and portable electronic devices. So the next time you schedule a meeting, consider venturing outside the conference room. Staying healthy while working 40+ hours a week in an office is a constant challenge, and throwing caution to the wind is always the easiest option. But with a little discipline and a lot of willpower, following the above advice should leave you feeling healthier and more productive during those long work hours. What advice do you have for maintaining your energy and concentration levels at work?

Friday, May 22, 2020

Office Etiquette Birthday Celebrations in the Office

Office Etiquette Birthday Celebrations in the Office Its no fun to go to work on your birthday.   Here are a few fun things you can do around your office to make the birthday boy or girl actually enjoy coming to work on their special day.   Little things like remembering your coworkers birthdays can really  go a long way.   This is a great way for everyone in  your office to feel recognized and appreciated!   Do you know your bosss birthday? Have someone on your team collect everyones birthday and keep track of them for the year.   This person will be in charge of passing around cards to have people sign a few weeks before each birthday. Decorate the birthday boy or girls  office or door with streamers, balloons or post it notes  (just dont overdo it!:) Go out to lunch and treat the birthday boy or girl. Put a small budget aside to be able to have a cake or donuts every time a birthday rolls around. Send a handwritten card to their home with a gift that the entire family can use (ex. movie tickets, sporting event tickets, gift card to a restaurant, etc.) Let them leave early! ?? (Authors note: It is my birthday today  but I DONT have to go into work.   Instead I am headed to Seattle for a friends wedding.   YAY! ??   (Photo by Sakura)

Sunday, May 17, 2020

5 Money Mindsets You Need For Career Success

5 Money Mindsets You Need For Career Success If you want to be successful in your career, I have a little-known secret for you. Its not what you do to get ahead; its how you think. Through my years of helping women find careers they love and succeed, I have seen many clients really close to getting their careers unstuck, BUT they all have one thing holding them back,  their mindset.   You cant get your career unstuck if you are not in the right mindset to get your career unstuck. If you take all the actions but dont work on your mindset, you will not get the success you want. A few weeks ago, I shared three  mindsets you need to attract the job  you want. Today, I want to share with you the five money mindsets you need for career success.  You may not realize it but your career success and how you think about money are very closely intertwined. Once I was able to get my money under control, I had so much more flexibility to be able to pursue a career I loved. I truly believe that your financial decisions and priorities directly affect your career.  These mindsets are crucial so start thinking them today! 5 Money Mindsets You Need For Career Success Mindset #1: You Are Self-Employed (Even If You Arent) To take control of your career is to view yourself as self-employed.   See yourself as CEO of a company with one employee: yourself.   See yourself as 100% responsible for your life and for everything that happens to you. â€"Brian Tracy When you put yourself as the CEO of your own career, you dont count on anyone else but yourself to get ahead. This is crucial. You cant count on your manager to create your personal development plan. You cant count on HR to make sure you get the salary you deserve or to make sure that you are continuously learning and growing in your field. To earn more, you must learn more. You are in charge of your career success and career growth. You cant rely on anyone else to manage your career for you. Mindset #2: You Are Worth Your Dream Salary What is your dream salary? Pick a number. The sky is the limit.  If you dont have a number in your mind of how much you want to earn, you will just continue to get small raises. Think about what you want before you think about whether it is even a reality. In the long run, you determine how much you get paid and everything that happens to you. Dont doubt yourself. After you figure out what you want to make, find out what the people earning the money you want are doing differently than you right now. How can you increase the value of the service you bring to a company? Get clear and focused on what you want to attract. Thoughts attract things. The more clear you are, the quicker it appears. Imagine your dream salary being put into your checking account each pay period. Put things in writing. Write down what it is and look at your goals every day. Put yourself in the moment of feeling what it would be like when you receive that dream salary. How great does that feel? Mindset #3: Debt Is Your Enemy Pay off your debt now so you can have control of your career.  Without debt controlling your life, you can make life and career decisions that really make you happy.  You have nothing hanging over your head nor do you have student loan, credit card and car loan bills piling up to pay.   You have savings available for emergencies, and you aren’t living paycheck-to-paycheck wondering if you will ever have the life and career you dreamed of. Not having to worry about debt allows your mind to open up so that you can really think about what makes you happy and what you really want to do with your life. That is exactly what happened to me. My husband and I got out of debt in April 12. I untrapped myself from my debt and other options came flooding into my life that I could take because I was no longer drowning in debt. If you need to pay bills and students loans, you may continue working at a job that you may not enjoy just because you have to pay those bills. Which is fine! But, set a goal to pay off your debt in the next year or two and then move on to something that makes you happier! Get yourself out of the debt that is clouding your professional future and instead find areas that you will succeed at even more because you are passionate about them. There are so many things you can do if you aren’t worried about paying off your debt. You could travel, start a business, or take a 50% pay cut to explore and evaluate your professional future like I did.  You aren’t trapped. Plan your work around your life, not your life around your work. Mindset #4: You Love Giving I tithe 10% of my income to the people, places, or institutions who have fed me spiritually. They’ve inspired me and helped me to remember who I am.  Keep your focus on giving. Don’t give with the expectation of getting. Enjoy how good it feels to focus on what inspires you. Give and let go! Mindset #5: Everything is Negotiable A person who accepts a $40,000 starting offer for an entry-level job isn’t just making $7,000 less than a colleague who negotiated a $47,000 starting salary. The person who negotiated stands to make hundreds of thousands of dollars more during her lifetimeâ€"and that’s before retirement is taken into account. Whether it is a raise, a promotion, or a discount on a training course or business proposal, always try to negotiate because you never know what you might get! What do you think? How do you make sure you have the right money mindsets for success?

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Mark Anthony Dyson Interviews Marc Miller on His New Book [Podcast] - Career Pivot

Mark Anthony Dyson Interviews Marc Miller on His New Book [Podcast] - Career Pivot Podcast #151 â€" Marc Miller visits The Voice of Job Seekers and discusses the third edition of Repurpose Your Career. Description: This is the occasion of the release of Repurpose Your Career: A Practical Guide For Those in the 2nd Half of Life, Third Editions. Mark Anthony Dyson, the host of The Voice of Job Seekers podcast, has Marc on as a guest and this is the interview that was shared on that podcast. Marc shares some of the highlights of the book. Mark asks about ageism, necessary skills, and necessary mindsets for getting work that has meaning for you and will provide income in the second half of life. Listen in for sound advice for job seekers. Marc is asking for your financial support for the Repurpose Your Career podcast. Please donate at to support this Podcast. Key Takeaways: [1:24] Marc welcomes you to Episode 151 of the Repurpose Your Career podcast. [1:36] If you are enjoying this podcast, please share it with other like-minded souls. Subscribe on, iTunes, or any of the other apps that supply podcasts. Share it on social media or just tell your neighbors and colleagues. The more people Marc reaches, the more people he can help. [1:55] Marc’s expenses to put this podcast on are about $400.00 a month. At 151 episodes, Marc is humbled by all the positive feedback and reviews. [2:14] Marc is asking you for a donation of $5.00 a month but you can contribute as much or as little as you like. Every penny counts. [2:20] If the Repurpose Your Career podcast is a part of your week and you love what Marc is doing, please support the podcast today. Go to to give. This link will be at the top of the show notes at [2:41] The Repurpose Your Career podcast is entering the fourth year. Marc is back in Ajijic, Mexico and getting back into the groove of being home. Marc has lots of new guests planned. [2:56] Next week’s episode will be a replay of Marc’s interview on the Second Act Stories podcast. It is a worthwhile podcast for Marc’s audience. Listen to the most recent episode [3:10] This week is a replay of Marc’s appearance on The Voice of Job Seekers podcast with Mark Anthony Dyson from September 10th. Marc hopes you enjoy this episode. Now on to the podcast… Download Link | iTunes|Stitcher Radio|Google Podcast| Podbean | TuneIn | Overcast [3:20] Mark Anthony Dyson welcomes his regular guest Marc Miller to The Voice of Job Seekers in recognition of the release of Repurpose Your Career: A Practical Guide for the 2nd half of Life, Third Edition. [3:53] Marc talks about the evolution of his book, starting in 2012 after the Great Recession when many Boomers started to realize they weren’t going to retire like their parents but would have to keep working. [4:58] The Second Edition of the book, in 2017, addressed the concerns of GenXers, who found themselves in much the same financial circumstances as the Boomers. [5:15] In 2019, we are in “full employment.” Everybody who wants a job has a job â€" except for those over 50, who are experiencing unemployment as high as 13 to 14 percent. Many of us will work into our 70s and it will take some planning. It’s probably not a full-time job. [6:13] Marc hears from his online community that people want the freedom to work on what they want to do, when they want to work, and how hard they want to work. We are realizing the only safety there is in employment is in ourselves. An employer is not going “to take care of us.” Marc worked for IBM for 22 years. He thought he would finish there. [7:04] The world doesn’t look the same as it did when Marc started at IBM. [7:12] Mark says looking at the three percent unemployment statistic should not tell you that you should be able to find a job. We don’t read statistics correctly. We need to parse them out into their age brackets. The Bureau of Labor Statistics does not measure underemployment, either. [7:47] If you’re older and you want to go back to work, you are not going to go back to the same gig you had before. Mark knows a former VP of a college who just retired from Starbucks. Starbucks has great benefits, but it’s not being the VP of a college. [8:29] We are going through tremendous creative destruction and disruption. Marc tells people who switch industries to make sure that industry ‘has legs.’ Stay away from retail, education, and other industries that are being disrupted. [9:08] Marc talks of people whose careers fell apart in five years. One was in marketing real estate. Marc got her into the HQ of Keller Williams to talk to Jay Papasan, who co-authored The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results with Gary Keller. He was the only person over 50 in the company. [9:53] Marketing today is all clicks and analytics. Marc was in high-tech marketing in the ’90s. The marketing practices he followed no longer exist. In the ’70s and ’80s, people in marketing didn’t need to know any math. Now marketing is all analytics. [10:27] Mark wrote on this subject for The Financial Diet. Talking about your 20-plus years of experience is the beginning of the death of your employment possibilities. 20 years of experience is less significant now than it has ever been. [11:10] Marc has a chapter on ageism in his book. He uses a metaphor of trading in a 2003 vehicle to a dealer. It will be downgraded because it is old and doesn’t have the features of a new vehicle. It has wear-and-tear on it. Today, you need to be very aware of the skills that you need to acquire for today’s jobs. [12:17] Boomers grew up with employers who kept us up to date and trained us. That’s not the case, anymore. Marc tells people to listen to podcasts. There’s a podcast for everything, including chameleon breeders. Stay up-to-date on your nickel. [12:41] When you start marketing yourself, your next job, if you are over 50, is going to come through relationships. Much of your network that made you successful may have died or retired or changed roles. So you need to continually rebuild your network outside of your comfort zone. [13:19] Marc interviewed Ashton Applewhite in Ashton talks about how we self-segregate. She recommends networking with people who are much younger. Marc has a friend who volunteered for the Beto O’Rourke campaign, which completely changed his view of Millennials. [14:23] We need someone to tell us that people don’t do what we used to do, or think the way we used to think. Mark talks about his CTS Cadillac 2005. Newer cars have more functionality. Unless you upgrade your skills, employers are not going to pay for your functionality, except for simple things, and not for very long. [15:37] Mark and Marc had to learn to edit audio and video, put it online, and make sure it makes sense to any audience. These were new skills and functionalities they had to learn. There are things any older worker is going to have to learn to do to be employed. [16:21] Even if you don’t have all the new skills, Know what they are. Marc talks about image consultant Jean Lefebvre of Austin. At age 71, Jean has started a Fulfilment by Amazon business where her first product is earring lifter backs under the brand name Wardrobe Jazz, for women with sagging earlobes. [17:34] Marc also helped a guy who was doing retail arbitrage through Fulfilment by Amazon. He became a certified vendor and bought clearance items through box stores and shipped them to Amazon to ship out. It’s not for everybody, but he enjoys doing it. This is a business model that didn’t exist five years ago. [18:37] Marc is publishing his fourth book, running Amazon ads and Facebook ads. Over the last six or seven years, Marc has sold over 5,000 copies of his books. It’s a side income that fosters other pieces of his business. [19:17] Marc shares some of the stress involved with working with a book cover designer, MamiSerwaa, living in Ghana. [20:10] Older workers are still thinking that you have to be in person to make traction. You have to get used to making traction online and virtually. You need to be able to work with people anywhere in the world. If you communicate so that the borders are seamless, you can make strides in the 2020 gig economy. [21:19] Marc has a virtual assistant, Stephanie, who lives in Florida. Marc found Stephanie by putting a request on LinkedIn looking for a virtual assistant. [21:51] Hannah Morgan was a recent guest on Repurpose Your Career. They met online and have not met face-to-face. [22:04] Marc and Mark have never met face-to-face, but they’re very comfortable talking to one another. [22:22] The world of work has changed and it’s going to continue to change. [22:31] Marc hopes you enjoyed that episode. Mark Anthony Dyson is a dear friend of Marc’s who has helped Marc’s podcast and has also been an inspiration to Marc. The Voice of Job Seekers is entering its seventh season! Give it your support! [22:50] The career Pivot Membership Community continues to help the approximately 50 members who are participating in the Beta phase of this project to grow and thrive. This is a community where everyone is there to help everyone else. Marc is recruiting new members for the next cohort. [23:05] If you are interested in the Career Pivot Membership Community and would like to be put on a waiting list, please go to [23:19] Marc invites you to connect with him on Just include in the connection request that you listen to this podcast. You can look for Career Pivot on Facebook, LinkedIn, or @CareerPivot on Twitter. [23:30] Please come back next week when Marc replays his appearance on the Second Act Stories podcast. [23:36] Please support the Repurpose Your Career podcast by going to This link is also at the top of the show notes. [23:51] You will find the show notes for this episode at [23:58] Please hop over to and subscribe to get updates on this podcast and all the other happenings at Career Pivot. You can also subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, the Google Podcasts app, Podbean, the Overcast app, or the Spotify app! Marc Miller Like what you just read? Share it with your friends using the buttons above. Like What You Read? Get Career Pivot Insights! Check out the Repurpose Your Career Podcast Do You Need Help With ...

Monday, May 11, 2020

8 Life-Lessons Your Job Loss Should Teach You

8 Life-Lessons Your Job Loss Should Teach You Losing a job, either due to termination or corporate downsizing, is never easy. But, it does give you another chance to get it right!Earlier in my career, one of my functions  was to witness terminations as a member of the HR team. I was referred to as the angel of death. Truth be told, I look back on that role and realized I loved it. No, I am not a sadist! What I realized was that I was unleashing these people from a job they didnt like. Then later in my career, while working for an outplacement company, I met with  individuals to let them know they were being downsized. I did this hundreds of times and it never got easier. So I share with you eight life-lessons you can take away from your separation that will serve you well throughout the rest of your career. Maybe getting fired is  the greatest gift your employer could have  given you. Companies let go of employees for many reasons: performance, reorganization, breach of company policies or because they just feel like it. In most cases, an employer can terminate your employment at any time. Let’s look at the positive side of getting axed. You now have the opportunity to move on and into a new role with a new company doing something you will enjoy. Even if you think you loved your last job, there were things about it that just weren’t working for you. Maybe your compensation wasn’t in alignment with others in your field, or you found yourself in a dead-end job. Or maybe you just didn’t feel challenged anymore. These things should have been a sign for you to move on. But we get comfortable, and change is difficult. This is why being released from your job can be a blessing in disguise. 1. Find the  Right Fit This is your chance to interview your future manager and employer with more discerning questions. Use what you’ve learned from your last experience to screen for qualities and characteristics you know you’ll work well with. Be on the lookout for red flags or subtle clues based on answers, behaviors or rumors on the street. 2.  What You Need To Do Differently Next  Time Learn from this valuable life lesson. What was it about your last job that may not have made it a good fit, or what could you do differently when faced with a difficult work situation the next time around? As Winston Churchill said, “All men make mistakes, but only wise men learn from their mistakes. 3. Always Keep  You Eyes Open Losing a job should also teach you to pay attention  to what’s going on inside a company. Are there signs of declining business? Has a key client left or has there been a change in leadership, or a merger or buyout? These types of things generally mean change is coming. Also keep an eye on changes inside your company. Signs of future trouble may include: Your department is in financial trouble or the project you are working on isn’t performing as well as expected. These are clues that you may need to begin putting out feelers for a new job. 4. Be Open To New Opportunities If your boss asked you to take on an additional project or more work, how did you respond? This may have been your boss’s way of foreshadowing the need for you to change. While it may seem unfair for a company to ask you to do more, you can also consider it a skill-building exercise that will make you more marketable. You always want to be ready for something new. If you network internally and externally, you increase the number of people who know what you do. This keeps you in people’s minds and helps position you for unposted opportunities. 5. Try Harder Even the hardest-working employee is not protected from a layoff. But employees who exceed performance expectations and have good working relationships with managers generally fare better during times of change. It is never too late to try to patch your strained relationship with your manager or colleagues. Take the first step and approach them with the intention of fixing what you can. You’ve got nothing to lose. 6. Stay  Positive Never talk trash about your former employer, not to anyone. Negativity breeds negativity. Take the high road and try not to cast blame on anyone. Accept responsibility for the things within your control, and focus on the valuable lessons you learned from the situation. 7. Move On. Don’t Fight It You don’t want your old job back. It wouldn’t be the same. Whatever changes the organization was facing that led to your separation probably affected the culture or how things got done. And if you were terminated and think you want to fight it, think twice. Would everyone welcome you back with open arms? It is likely that your manager and colleagues would treat you differently if you returned, which could make you feel like you were walking on eggshells. Returning to work at a company that let you go may not work out well. 8. Know  How To  Talk About It The job application will ask you the reason for leaving each job. Keep your answer short and void of emotion or negativity. “Laid off” and “fired” are a popular terms, but both can have a negative connotation. Instead, a better choice is “reduction in force,” or you might be able to use “position eliminated.” You can and should expect to answer why you left your last job on every application and interview. Be ready with an answer that won’t leave the wrong impression with a potential employer. During a phone screen or interview, keep your answer short and to the point. Here is a good and bad example of how to answer the why did you leave you job question. One last thought: There is a silver lining to losing your job. Positively managing the situation is 100% in your court. Turn it to your advantage! Ready, here are 6 things every job seeker needs to know! This post originally appeared on US News World Report

Friday, May 8, 2020

Where to Find Biotech Resume Writing Services

Where to Find Biotech Resume Writing ServicesAfter determining the type of business that you have at your disposal, you'll then need to apply for biotech resume writing services. If you already have a strong business marketing plan, this may be a great idea, as you can be sure your materials will have the desired effect. However, if you're not sure what steps to take, or even if you don't understand how a business plan works, it may be a good idea to go with a professional.There are various companies out there that will hire the best writers to provide writing services. You'll want to find a company that has a few different categories of resume writers so you can have a couple of different types of materials ready. They may also be able to develop materials that have been specifically created for you, so you have something you know is professionally made and will have the best possible impact. When you use biotech resume writing services, you'll also want to pay attention to any mone y-back guarantees that are available.The company you choose for biotech resume writing will take all of the information you provide and write an informative letter for you. This means that your information should be laid out in a way that makes sense and will be effective in conveying your message. You should be able to get the information that you want out of the materials, and that will give your potential employer a chance to get to know you better.Biotech resume writing services will be able to give you the information you need to get your business off the ground. Since so many companies are still trying to get their feet wet with business development, you'll find that they need as much as you need. The tools that they'll provide will be able to help you get the results you're looking for.Biotechnology is the life sciences field that deals with the creation of new and improved life forms. There are various advances in this field that can offer solutions to many health problems. If you are looking for a career that is exciting and fulfilling, this might be a good choice for you.To help ensure that you have the best materials available when your biotechnology resumes come in, make sure that you contact a reputable company. These people will be professionals and will work with you as you move forward. With good biotechnology resume writing services, you can help guide them through the process, and the entire process should go smoothly.A business, either you run your own business or you choose to work with an employee, will sometimes struggle with the promotion of their business. Business development professionals can help improve the visibility of your business' position within the industry. They can help you determine where you stand and if your products meet industry standards.By hiring a company to write your biotechnology resume, you can be assured that your product will be a success. They will help you understand everything about the field, and they will help you know where you stand. There are companies out there that can help you with your goals and your current business situation, and this is one reason why they are popular with biotech resume writing services.